It’s the season where generic and forwarded messages filled our social media with messages of hope and change. However, the enthusiast in me remained dormant. I wasn’t ready for change for sure but yet, my lack of readiness consumed me with the guilt of not being able to move forward. Thank goodness for Pongal, the Indian harvest festival. A season which reminds you to take stock of the great things bestowed in life: to reap. 2016 fulfilled its vocation with meaningful activities and cultural change workshops, working with a larger team, partnering our clients in CSR projects, women inspired leadership legacy and yes, finding the courage to write and post. The guilt inched away as pride took centre stage.
The innovation at the workspace was liberating, watching the professionals that we worked with attain promotions, acquaintances turning into friends and professional relationships becoming personal. As the monkey swiftly bid adieu, the rooster trumped in, with some great news and BAD. Annoyance crept in for some as they faced economic and political instability, decreased buying power, apathetic leaders, disengaged employees and distracted family and friends, to name a few. I heard the doorbell, I stopped and peeked out. I saw pedlars of FEAR lingering at my doorstep, much to my horror. I closed my eyes and made my choice. It was indeed a time to use ‘WAZE’ and navigate my life course whilst consciously acquiring only validated learned optimism and prepare for yet another incredible year! I decided to open the door of opportunities, with courage and hope. This time, I met Carmine Gallo and his inspirational storytellers. I turned the pages as they shared their secrets, turning their passion into performance. We tell stories and listen to them too. As I walked through the door of opportunities, I embraced optimism, love, resilience, compassion and drive, centered in purpose. These will shape my stories in 2017. What about you? Will you share your secret with us? We need more heroes to trump out the sense of helplessness.