A beautiful day
A productive day
A list that awaits completion
A heart that need accomplishments
Drawn into the world of perfection
Knowing that its only an illusion
The world of fantasy is perfect
This reminder can be great
It can knock you off to a fall
To be in pain and self doubt.. or
I can make a knack out of it
A craft in the making
Th difference would be
Choosing snuggle or struggle
Struggle is a fight within while
Snuggle is the warmth within
The cold wind may seem harsh
Its a reminder to find warmth
The rain stalling outdoor action
A reminder to be indoor within
The dark weather can feel eerie
Has sun has forgotten the warmth I need
Maybe it’s snuggling too
For me to find the warmth from the light within
I will stop struggling
To live the life I crafted
And snuggle in with
Craftful living …instead
The craft that build memories
Of love and loving
Becoming and Being
Being Whole Being Me
I woke up on 13th of September 2021, feeling energised after weeks of feeling useless , not having done enough to a rainy day that immediately upset me . As I sat out at the porch with my laptop , I was distracted and I enjoyed it . I just stared at sound and beauty and realised how little it takes to be joyful. And how hard I had worked to keep the joy away . As I struggled to snuggle , I am glad I snuggled anyway , to the warmth that life offered on a cold , rainy day