The weight loss
I heard you the other day when you rang the bell away
I ignored you cos I was sure you will go away
You have been waiting for a while
I just didn’t realize
I felt overwhelmed today
So I thought I will open the door anyway
I had forgotten about you, my dear
What a gush you were
Oh My, how you came flooding
Neither control nor defend was possible
I gave in to the flood you were
Oh boy, what a relief they were
I am so sorry to have ignored you
Finally grateful, you made it here
It must be difficult for you
Holding up so much for so long
Fear, anxiety, isolation
Pains, losses, hurts
Anger, alone, helpless
All this and much more
The knock on the door today was too loud
To be ignored anymore
The weight is too heavy to carry
No energy left for life anymore
I was sure you visited me because of the recent incident
For, it all happened so quickly
Only now I realized, the is loss gave me the courage
To open the door finally to you
I am glad you were near enough
Now, you can take your time my dear
Because much has been lost, my friend
So hang out with me till we are done
Feel free to visit me again
I will try not to resist you
You are not a show of my weakness
But a reminder of what I had
What I have lost, what I miss so much
You remind me what these meant to me
Its parts of who I am
What gifts I had
I won't need to run or hide
Because you would never go away
But I will embrace you
For the reminders of the love we share
One that I will cherish
One that I will miss
One I will never attempt to replace
One that only belonged to us
And I know, only living the love we had
Would fill the vacuum you left
While the vacuum you left remains
The love is to be experienced again
Thank you for coming, O grief
And helping me to heal
Now l will hold you in my heart
To me, be the console and comfort
Live will never be the same again
The pain now all turning into a gain
Regaining the will to live again
To move and love again